Features Image Hosting Script

  • Overview

    What is in the package.

  • SEO Optimized

    The script is perfectly prepared to achieve high positions in SERP.

  • Admin panel

    Very complex admin panel. It contains all of the most important functions. It enables the effective management of the site.

  • Users

    The application allows the users to create accounts.

  • Multi-servers

    Perfect solution for big image hosting sites.

  • SEO friendly links

    SEO friendly links

    The script generates the links that are perfectly indexed by Google robots. Every picture, Tag, browsing phrase, album etc. have a separate subpage with a link that is friendly for robots. It helps to quickly index the entire website.
  • seo optimized meta-tags

    Optimized meta tags

    Every subpage has a permanent base for meta tag parameter: title, keywords and description, which is set in the admin panel.

    What is more, matching phrases are added to every subpage, e.g. picture, album etc. Meta tag parameters have different language versions. Therefore, if you set different language than English as a default language, the entire site will be translated, including meta tags.
  • seo sitemaps generator

    Sitemaps generator

    In order to help the Google robot to index the entire site, the script automatically generates the sitemap files. Google introduced a limit for the size of sitemap file, which is 50 000 URLs or 10 MB.

    This is why the script automatically creates sitemap_index.xml file where references to the generated sitemap.xml files are kept. (each having 20 000 URLs). This is a perfect solutions for quickly-developing services.
  • seo tags cloud

    Tags cloud

    A tags cloud is displayed on every subpage. Moreover, every tag has a separate subpage with a list of images that it represents. This helps to build a website with a great number of subpages, which is important in SEO.

    Last serarches box

    On the main page and in many subpages there is a box with recently entered search phrases.

    In order not to direct the user and Google robot to empty pages, only the phrases with results are displayed. Such mechanism helps the Google robot to index more subpages.